Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Coast-to-coast heroin bust nabs 130

Beginning before dawn, Drug Enforcement Administration agents conducted arrest raids and searches, seeking up to 150 people, about half of them illegal aliens, according to senior drug enforcement officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity before the official announcement.

By early afternoon, the investigation had produced 131 arrests in 15 cities, from Charleston, South Carolina, to Los Angeles, based on 10 federal indictments and state charges, the officials said.

Known as Operation Black Gold Rush, the investigation was being described at an afternoon news conference here by Assistant Attorney General Alice Fisher and deputy DEA administrator Michele Leonhart.


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Tags: seeking | searches | raids | nabs | dawn | conducted | anonymity | agents | afternoon | administrator | Federal | Enforcement | Coast-to-coast | senior | official | investigation | illegal | Heroin | drug | bust | Arrest | aliens | according | Washington | mexico | Charleston | Carolina | Angeles

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