Monday, August 06, 2007

Eddie Murphy: ‘OK, OK, I Did Knock Mel B Up After All’

Although Mel B has long maintained that Eddie Murphy is the father of her baby, and science has also proved that Eddie Murphy is the father of Mel B's baby, Eddie Murphy still had difficulties believing that he was the father of Mel B's baby.

Not any more, though - through his spokesman, Eddie Murphy has for the first time confessed that, yes, he is the father of Mel B's baby Angel Iris. Not just that, but Eddie Murphy insists that he paid for all of Mel B's pregnancy costs and has been contributing child support for the baby. But not even an admission of paternity is enough for Mel B - she says she doesn't care about the money and just wants Eddie Murphy to hold baby Angel and love her. After all, there's no deeper bond in life than the one between a daughter and the man who knocked her mother up, left her and then refused to believe that the baby was his until he was legally pressured into taking a scientifically-accurate gene analysis that unequivocally determined the paternity, is there.

It takes a brave man to admit he's wrong, and Eddie Murphy is nothing if not a brave man. After all, only a brave man would give the serious performance of a lifetime in Dreamgirls only to scupper any hope of winning by releasing hilariously lowest common denominator 'Eddie Murphy in a fatsuit' comedy Norbit two weeks before the Oscars and then mark the inevitable resulting non-win by storming out of the Oscars like a girl. Oh, and it's quite brave to admit that Mel B's baby is yours when you've already told most of Holland that it isn't in a confusingly casual way. And that's the situation that Eddie Murphy is in now.

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Tags: Angel | Eddie Murphy | gene analysis | Mel B | pregnancy

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