Friday, December 29, 2006

Jackson Calls On Entertainment Industry To Stop Use Of Slur

[q url=""]Jackson also asked the public not to buy a DVD box set of the seventh season of the TV show "Seinfeld" that was released last week.

Richards, who played the wacky neighbor Kramer on "Seinfeld," triggered outrage with a Nov. 17 racial rant against two black men when he was heckled during a stand-up comedy routine at the Laugh Factory nightclub in West Hollywood. A patron recorded the outburst with a video camera phone.

Richards has made several apologies, including one Sunday on Jackson's syndicated radio program, in which he has said he is not a racist and was motivated by anger.

At the press conference, comedian Paul Mooney said he has used the "n-word" numerous times during stand-up performances but will no longer do so after watching Richards' rant.

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Tags: Rant | Phone | PATRON | nightclub | comedy | camera | West Hollywood | Slur | seinfeld | Los Angeles | Jackson | entertainment | CALLS

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