Friday, December 29, 2006

Players in pursuit of iPod

Everywhere you look, those white earbuds are sprouting out of people's heads.

Apple's iPod has become so popular that it has morphed into a digital music platform, not just a simple MP3 player. New cars come with iPod attachments, and major airlines soon will offer iPod jacks in airplane seats. I'm sure Amtrak is not far behind.

But maybe you don't want to carry an iPod along with a mobile phone anymore. Or maybe you want a smaller player, something cheap, that also plays video. Or perhaps you're just tired of being like everyone else wearing those white earbuds.

I've been testing alternatives. And while none beats the iPod in terms of ease of use out of the box, these players are worth a look.


Players in pursuit of iPod

Tags: Pursuit | player | iPod

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