Thursday, April 26, 2007

IE also affected by US$10,000 QuickTime bug

The security flaw used to breach a MacBook in a hack-a-Mac competition last week also affects Internet Explorer on Windows PCs, according to TippingPoint.

Initially, the flaw was thought to be exploitable only through Apple's Safari and Mozilla's Firefox Web browsers on both Macs and Windows PCs. Researchers at TippingPoint have now determined that the bug, which lies in Apple's QuickTime media player, also impacts Internet Explorer on Windows.

"New facts have emerged," Terri Forslof, manager of security response at TippingPoint, said in a statement Wednesday. "We have now verified that this issue affects both Windows and Mac operating systems, including Windows Vista through Internet Explorer."

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Tags: Internet Explorer | macbook | Macs | Microsoft | Mozilla Firefox | quicktime | safari | Technology | Vista | windows | affects | breach | browsers | competition | EXPLOITABLE | Flaw | Media Player | SECURE | VERIFIED | Terri Forslof | hack-a-Mac

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