Tuesday, September 26, 2006

French Intelligence Also Suspects Osama bin Laden Is Dead

French President Jacques Chirac told the press that he is "a bit surprised" that French intelligence leaked this information. Not that he's furious or embarrassed, or will pursue the leaker, or is even surprised... just a "bit" surprised. (Translation: this is planned leak.)

Chirac also told AP that while he has "no comment" on the suspected death of Osama bin Laden, he stated that the report is not confirmed. (Translation: Chirac never denied the accuracy of the report, nor stated that he doesn't believe it. In fact, he gives the story great credibility and international attention merely by commenting on it. And he knows it... )

But this is hardly news. Dozens of world leaders have fully believed for years that bin Laden is dead. And in November 2005, our own US intelligence told Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid back that bin Laden is likely dead. If Mr. Reid revealed this to the public, then he, too, must have believed it with great certainty.


Tags: report | Intelligence | BIN | US | translation | Suspects | Osama | LADEN | FRENCH

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